Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Performance related queries

Performance related queries

  1. CPU usage of the USER
Displays CPU usage for each User. Useful to understand database load by user.
SELECT ss.username, se.SID, VALUE / 100 cpu_usage_seconds
    FROM v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
         AND NAME LIKE '%CPU used by this session%'
         AND se.SID = ss.SID
         AND ss.status = 'ACTIVE'
         AND ss.username IS NOT NULL
  1. Long Query progress in database
Show the progress of long running queries.
SELECT a.sid,
         opname OPERATION,
         target OBJECT,
         TRUNC (elapsed_seconds, 5) "ET (s)",
         TO_CHAR (start_time, 'HH24:MI:SS') start_time,
         ROUND ( (sofar / totalwork) * 100, 2) "COMPLETE (%)"
    FROM v$session_longops a, v$session b
   WHERE     a.sid = b.sid
         AND b.username NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
         AND totalwork > 0
ORDER BY elapsed_seconds;
  1. Get current session id, process id, client process id?
This is for those who wants to do some voodoo magic using process ids and session ids.
SELECT b.sid,
       a.spid processid,
       b.process clientpid
  FROM v$process a, v$session b
 WHERE a.addr = b.paddr AND b.audsid = USERENV ('sessionid');
    • V$SESSION.SID AND V$SESSION.SERIAL# is database process id
    • V$PROCESS.SPID is shadow process id on this database server
    • V$SESSION.PROCESS is client PROCESS ID, ON windows it IS : separated THE FIRST # IS THE PROCESS ID ON THE client AND 2nd one IS THE THREAD id.
  1. Last SQL Fired from particular Schema or Table:
  FROM all_objects
  1. Find Top 10 SQL by reads per execution
                 SUBSTR (a.sql_text, 1, 200) sql_text,
                 TRUNC (
                    a.disk_reads / DECODE (a.executions, 0, 1, a.executions))
            FROM v$sqlarea a
        ORDER BY 3 DESC)
  1. Oracle SQL query over the view that shows actual Oracle connections.
SELECT osuser,
    FROM v$session
ORDER BY osuser;
  1. Oracle SQL query that show the opened connections group by the program that opens the connection.
SELECT program application, COUNT (program) Numero_Sesiones
    FROM v$session
GROUP BY program
ORDER BY Numero_Sesiones DESC;
  1. Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users connected and the sessions number for user
SELECT username Usuario_Oracle, COUNT (username) Numero_Sesiones
    FROM v$session
GROUP BY username
ORDER BY Numero_Sesiones DESC;
  1. Get number of objects per owner
SELECT owner, COUNT (owner) number_of_objects
    FROM dba_objects
GROUP BY owner
ORDER BY number_of_objects DESC;

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Base Tutorial :: basetutorial: Database Administration Queries

Base Tutorial :: basetutorial: Database Administration Queries: Database administration queries Database version information Returns the Oracle database version. SELECT * FROM v$vers...

Database Administration Queries

Database administration queries

  1. Database version information
Returns the Oracle database version.
SELECT * FROM v$version;
  1. Database default information
Some system default information.
SELECT username,
  FROM dba_users;
  1. Database Character Set information
Display the character set information of database.
SELECT * FROM nls_database_parameters;
  1. Get Oracle version
  FROM v$system_parameter
 WHERE name = 'compatible';
  1. Store data case sensitive but to index it case insensitive
Now this ones tricky. Sometime you might querying database on some value independent of case. In your query you might do UPPER(..) = UPPER(..) on both sides to make it case insensitive. Now in such cases, you might want to make your index case insensitive so that they don’t occupy more space. Feel free to experiment with this one.
CREATE TABLE tab (col1 VARCHAR2 (10));

   ON tab (UPPER (col1));

  1. Resizing Tablespace without adding datafile
Yet another DDL query to resize table space.
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/work/oradata/STARTST/STAR02D.dbf' resize 2000M;
  1. Checking autoextend on/off for Tablespaces
Query to check if autoextend is on or off for a given tablespace.
SELECT SUBSTR (file_name, 1, 50), AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM dba_data_files;


SELECT tablespace_name, AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM dba_data_files;
  1. Adding datafile to a tablespace
Query to add datafile in a tablespace.
ALTER TABLESPACE data01 ADD DATAFILE '/work/oradata/STARTST/data01.dbf'
  1. Increasing datafile size
Yet another query to increase the datafile size of a given datafile.
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u01/app/Test_data_01.dbf' RESIZE 2G;
  1. Find the Actual size of a Database
Gives the actual database size in GB.
SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS GB FROM dba_data_files;
  1. Find the size occupied by Data in a Database or Database usage details
Gives the size occupied by data in this database.
SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS GB FROM dba_segments;
  1. Find the size of the SCHEMA/USER
Give the size of user in MBs.
SELECT SUM (bytes / 1024 / 1024) "size"
  FROM dba_segments
 WHERE owner = '&owner';
  1. Last SQL fired by the User on Database
This query will display last SQL query fired by each user in this database. Notice how this query display last SQL per each session.
SELECT S.USERNAME || '(' || s.sid || ')-' || s.osuser UNAME,
         s.program || '-' || s.terminal || '(' || s.machine || ')' PROG,
         s.sid || '/' || s.serial# sid,
         s.status "Status",
         sql_text sqltext
    FROM v$sqltext_with_newlines t, V$SESSION s, v$process p
   WHERE     t.address = s.sql_address
         AND p.addr = s.paddr(+)
         AND t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
ORDER BY s.sid, t.piece;